

Simple corrections brought in THexEditor, THexToCanvas by Valient Newman to make the component meet the requirements of Delphi 6 and higher, when the design-time and runtime code must be separated.

Checked in Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007

This component is used in Activity and Authentication Analyzer

The compoment HexEditor is available in My Github Repository

THexEditor v1.16, THexToCanvas v1.0 Beta 2

THexEditor descends from TCustomGrid, and displays and edits hexadecimal/binary files THexToCanvas is a descendant of TComponent, assign a THexEditor to it, set some properties and you can paint the hex data to a canvas (e.g. printer canvas)

credits to:

John Hamm, john@snapjax.com, http://users.snapjax.com/john/ (s.b. for details)

Christophe LE CORFEC, CLC@khalif.com for his introduction to the EBCDIC format and the nice idea about half byte insert/delete

Philippe Chessa, Philippe_Chessa@compuserve.com for his suggestions about AsText, AsHex and better support for the french keyboard layout

Daniel Jensen, no_comply@usa.net for octal offset display and the INS-key recognition stuff

written by Markus Stephany, mirbir.st@t-online.de, http://home.t-online.de/home/mirbir.st

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