Where is Proxies.dcu? Cannot find unit Proxies.pas

Delphi 6 About Dialog
While migrating to new versions, Delphi may lack the Proxies file.
This is a common issue while porting components.
If application or expert uses designtime information in Delphi 6 and later, one have to replace
uses DsgnIntf;
uses DesignIntf, DesignEditors;
But then one can run into an error message 'Cannot find unit Proxies.pas'
If this occures in a run-time package then one should separate out the design-time items and put them into a design-time package.
Humpbacked advice: one should then add DesignIde.dcp to the requires section of your design-time package.
Such an advice is applied for research only purposes.
To run the application on a computer where Delphi is not installed, one will need to copy bpl-file.
One are not allowed to deploy any of that code.

Stub unit

Can be used as a temporary measure, a palliative while migrating to new versions of Delphi

unit Proxies; interface function IsProxyClass(ComponentClass: TClass): Boolean; implementation function IsProxyClass(ComponentClass: TClass): Boolean; begin ... end; end.
Переход на новые версии Delphi

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