TBytesStream class for Delphi 2007

CodeGear Delphi 2007
TBytesStream class was added in Delphi 2009, so I define it manually for CodeGear Delphi 2007. type TBytesStream = class(TMemoryStream) private FBytes: TBytes; FCapacity: Longint; FSize: Longint; protected function Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer; override; public constructor Create(const ABytes: TBytes); overload; property Bytes: TBytes read FBytes; end; Full unit published on Github

ZEOS Library 8.0.0 does not support Delphi 2007 and older

ZEOS Library
A file ZBase64.pas appeared in the ZEOS Library 8.0.0 in folder with path "src\core\" that can not be compiled.
The class TBytesStream in ZBase64.pas was added in Delphi 2009.

SqlitePass support for the Rad Studio Delphi 2007

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This my addition gives the support for Rad Studio Delphi 2007 to SqlitePass and quite possible to Delphi 2005, 2006.
The most significant processing has been made to the file SqlitePassDbo.inc
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